Monday, December 17, 2007

My First Blog Post Ever

I love my job. I went to college and graduated with a CIS degree so I could be good at my job. For those of you who don't know what CIS is an acronym for, myself included, it has something to do with computers. Anyways, I go to work five days a week with the occasional late night or weekend work. These rare occurences (late nights or weekend work) occur for one of three reasons. Either I fucked up, the computer gods are pissed at me, or management does not know how to manage and/or they just want to fuck me over and make me work a late night or weekend.

Back to the topic at hand.......I have been working in this field for 5 years and I have realized that I am very different than most people in my line of work. Number one, I have seen a vagina before. No, I am not the guy who camps out at Wal-Mart the night before Halo 3 is released so I can be one of the first to say I have played the stupid video game. I am not a gamer and frankly don't even know what it takes to be a gamer. I do not play video games and I have seen a real life vagina before, so I know I am not a gamer. Number two, I can carry on a normal conversation. Not much else to say here. Computer geeks are just that.........geeks. I am sure you all grew up with that fat kid with acne who turned red in the face when a girl spoke to them. You know the guy that you threw little balls of chewed up bubble gum in their hair in Algebra class. The one that was picked last in kickball. These are the ones that now fix your computers. recap, I don't want to be a gamer, I am glad I am not a babbling idiot who tells stupid jokes, I am glad I have seen a va-j-j, I don't end every email with a "he-he," and I am proud of all of this.

However, I have really been into self-evaluation lately and have been questioning myself.......maybe I need to be more geeky........maybe I am not "cutting edge" enough for this line of work. And this is what has led me to this blog. All you hear of these days is, "blog this and blog that." Frankly, I'm not even sure I knew what a blog was a month ago. But after further investigation into the subject I have decided to start my own blog.

So here is what you can can expect to see an overwhelming amount of information on the University of Kentucky Wildcats. I will also make fun of rival schools such as the sucktard fucktard Loserville Cardinals, The University of Tennessee Volunqueers, and the Duke Faggot Blue Devils, to name a few. You can expect to hear ramblings about my wife and kid. You can expect to get updates on the boy/girl in mommy's belly. Last, you will hear random things about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree, with anything you find on this blog, you are wrong. I will now sleep better at night knowing that I am a blogger.


DG said...

Seeing one va-j-j in your life doesn't allow you to drop the "Geek" label. Besides, everyone who is a Geek (works with computers) doesn't see themselves as a Geek.

Only problem is nobody in the real world sees the geek as the Neo that they see themselves to be. The “geeks” like to think of themselves as the rock stars of the keyboard, Heroes of the company, or a real-life Neo stuck in the Matrix. And the more they try to shun the label the deeper the "GEEK" branding iron is seared into their forehead.

In the real world you may be a "cool" dude, but saying you aren't a geek in either the digital or real world is as good as donning a pocket protector, high-waters, and taped-up, thick-rimmed glasses.

So, I say wear the label all the way to the bank. If you really are different you will either get paid or get laid or both. If you are not watch out - you're going to be the kid who gets the gum thrown in his hair for trying to hang with the cool kids.